Saturday 31 March 2018

The Most Hated Sin

There is an old dictum that the sin most hated by a preacher is the one he is most beset with

I know a preacher who is obsessed with homosexuality and atheism. Why would he be if he were not busily repressing these things  in himself out of  his own guilt and fear?  He is also so afraid of the occult that he forces himself to bypass the daily horoscope he told me he sees in the daily newspaper. That is to say he takes such nonsense seriously, so is in fact some kind of occultist.

He is also very cruel,. a bully who thinks he has the right to terrorize people into conversion.  He has said so while preaching in my own hearing. But he does not believe his cruelty is sin, so he does not hate it

The point is that if one hates a sin one does not have to practice that sin to be a sinner in that area. To repress it is to still be it.

How do I know these things  to be true?

I have hated hypocrisy all my life. But I am a legalist.

Therefore I am a master hypocrite.

And I have hated cruelty all my life. But I nurse the most vicious vengeance fantasies  against those who have wronged me. So I know myslf to have a very, very nasty cruel streak, to in fact be a cruel person. I am repressed, of course, and so  a hypocrite, for that is what repression is, and I have been doing it for over 50 years now.

However I am terrified but have no regard for what is called courage, it being a species of legalist hypocrisy. So cowardice does not really bother me.

It might be retorted that scripture requires hatred of sin. I fully agree. So it does.  But carnal men cannot produce this. Our hatred of sin is not righteous, for our righteousness is filthy rags  even as regrads our hatred of evil.

God is having mercy on me for these but he is not aiding and never has nor will aid my efforts in dealing with it.

But that is for another post

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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind