Friday, 20 August 2021

C. S. Lewis: Heretic

C. S. Lewis intended his Narnia stories to be vehicles of christian teaching 

I  contend that the result is something quit conteary

The Narnia stories contain such howlers that if they are reflective of Lewis' mind, he was a heretic.

Aslan may be sacrificed himself to placate the awrath of the White Witch, (a Satan figure) But Jesus did NOT!!. He died to placate the wrath of God the Father. There really is a difference!! In the Silver Chair the children under the earth were being seduced to deny there was an over world - a brilliant analogy to materialist atheists on earth saying there is no heaven. but what did they say to the Green Lady? "you may very well be right. But it is better to believe in an overworld than not" REALLY??????? how could it be that the Green Lady might very well be right?? she was wrong and the children knew this for they had experienced the overworld was Lewis still such a repressed atheist that he really thought that atheist arguments might after all very well be righnt??? What faith is this?? Then Lewis has Puddleglum self inflict pain to wake himself up Severe treatment of the body is no valiue against [sin]. This is a bible quote. Lewis totally twists his own idea of the nature of pain as a megaphone given by God to wake us from our slumbers. Self inflction was never a part of the Biblical truth of it. But in this story here it is But the very worst blasphemy was in the Final Battle. All of Narnia followed a false composite God made up ot Tash the demon God of the Calomenes and Aslan the True God. It was called Tashlan So far so good. But at the end of thefinal battle who should appear in heaven but a devout worshipper of the demon God Tash?? he had never compromised his faith by worshipping the composite so he was saved. this is rank heresy. In the Bible it is totally clear you are saved by Jesus alone, not by your own faithfulness to any other religion If you enjoy his ficiton that is fine. but if you seek to get your christian theology from Lewis this would be a suicidal mistake Now I am not one of those superstitious persons who reject Lewis because he wrote stories with mythical beings and witches in them. But in his endeavour to make his stories vehicles of christian teching ( a good idea in and of itself, I warrant) he botched it horribly.

I find grievous error in other of his writings and may write on them if I think it worth the effort

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