The trouble is, though these days I find rightist speakers making sense where leftists do not, Dennis Prager of Prager U made a complete fool of himself by insisting that Hitler was not a nationalist. Prager said he was an imperialist as if these two were diametrically opposed. This is manifest nonsense.
Anyone listening to any of Hitler's speeches will most likely hear the term "Deutschland" at least once per paragraph.
Prager's thinking is that crude binary he might condemn when seen in Leftists, namely that in his case he thinks nationalism is a rightist cause therefore it is only ever good. Therefore, he thinks nationalists do not kill their own people (ever heard of treason trials and their invariable sentence?) and never oppress them (ever heard of the Russian Tsarist motto "Autocracy Orthodoxy Nationalism?)
Prager admits to no possibility of abuse of nationalism, which abuse even has a name: Chauvinism, after one Nicholas Chauvin a French revolutionary officer who was a total one eyed (ie my nation, part or faction, is never wrong) French Patriot fanatic.
Why do i mention this clown Prager? Because Candace Owens, a first class mind I respect greatly may have drunk this koolade.
Because everything can be abused and is abused evil is everywhere, not as Prager and his ilk put it most conveniently, only ever on the Leftist side.
He is a lightweight and a clown and Candace has sold out her first class mind by associating with someone believing this nonsense.
And he adds blasphemy to the mix by identifying Biblical righteousness and morality to Conservatism
This cannot be the case when the Bible routinely condemns the sins BOTH factions are given to, even, given that he is a Jew, when one confines ones scriptural basis to the Old Testament
But Ms Owens is young. She might mature a little more (though I grant she is more mature than any leftist her age) and actually read some more real history .
I am no leftist, but if Prager represents the only political alternative to it then I am no Rightist either and will become apolitical andconclude that I must
. . .let the dead quarrel with the dead as to how the dead shall live
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