This is one of the most heretical doctrines have ever heard
in it the speaker claims that the teaching of Jesus "if your eye offends you gouge it out" is to be taken literally
This idea is rank heresy and I propose to demonstrate from the logic of scripture that this is so
So why is it heretical? Because it is taken out of overall biblical context. Colossans 2:23 severe treatment - ie cutting off limbs and and eyes - is of no value against carnal indulgence
So what was Jesus saying? He was makling hyperbole.
This is a literary exaggeration to make a point , and Hebrew prose is full of it
How do we know this? If we take this passage literally it contradicts Colossans 2:23. and we all know the Bible does not contradict itself.
What was Jesus saying then? That we should be led to radical repentance, but this only by His grace, in ihis gentleness and not forgetting that His yoke is easy his burden is light.
So any falling for thisw perniucious doctrine here are literally mutilating yourself and you think His yoke is easy?? Come now!!
Another example of hyperbole is "unless you hate your father rmother etc you are not worhy of me" Luke 14:26.
Why is this hyperbole? Because we are commanded to honour and love our parents. the point of this is that our love for Him should be first and greatest so that the others my be likened to hate - but only comparitively - to this. It is a commandment to have a love greater than all the others, namely loving Him firt and foremost. It is not a commandment to hate anyone, for such violates the Law of God
Another example of hyperbole is "strain our a gnat and swallow a camel." Must i point out that nobody ever swallowed a camel? it was a colourful exaggeration to make a point, ie hyperbole. In this instance Jesus wasw saying that the Pharisees dealt with trivial details of the LAw of God and totally missed the essntially point.
The person who made this video is grossly ignorant of Hebrew style, is a legalist and so grossly misinterprets the key passage here as to be rankly heretical. He also totally ignores the inward nature of sin. Self harm does not change the inner impulse. He is a fool and is misleading people in the most dangerous fashion; and this video shows what nonsense legalism coupled with naive literalism with no regard for context or hebrew style can lead to - rather like poor Origen castrating himself
in fact the maker of this video Is not of God, totaly denying the grace of God and so damning all to hell who believe him unless they seek the Spirit who is infintely kinder than the fanatic who made this video
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