Ravi Zacharias, the famous apologist, died recently.
He was world famous, at least in Christian circles.
But since his death allegations of sexual impropriety have emerged.
This has caused panic in some of his followers. Should they reject everything he said?
Now I don't know if he is guilty of these charges or not . But I would not be surprised if he were. However I do not know and the question of His guilt or innocent is not my purpose here
John 4:42 is i think the best answer for the question of what to do if you follow a fallen preacher. Or even, I submit if your hero was not fallen
I invite you to look it up.
It is the story of Jesus at the well where he met the Samaritan woman. After this encounter she told her friends and they, the women of Sychar said to her, "it is not because of what you said that we believe Him. we now believe because WE HAVE HEARD FOR OURSELVES"
Have you heard from Ravi Z or others? Good!!
Have you moved from them to the Holy Spirit of Christ and heard from Him FOR YOURSELVES? This is after all what a living relationship with Christ is . Without this we are idolators and our allegiance is to the preacher/teacher/apologist not to Christ 40 years ago when a new convert I idolized Francis Schaeffer and C S Lewis. And despair resulted It was no less than a one on one dialogue in personal relationship direct with the Holy Spirit who talked me out of my madness. I must add that my despair, from unbedlief, legalism fear, trust in men and pride did drive me mad. This recovery was by means of repentance of sin led by the Spirit as part of this conversation. He is after all Wonderful Counselor and receiving His one on one counsel direct is my testimony. I never could persuade myself, but He can and does if you let him. This is what grace is. Grace is not the magical power that we presume has come when we "have faith"''
But part of this dialogue is to be persuaded to honestly admit our own real but heretical belief, namely what we really believe rather than the doctrines we have committed oursevles to, for commitment to doctrines is not thesame as believing them
This too is my testimony
So to me it really does not matter if Ravi were fallen in adultery or not. it might impact his salvation but not mine.
My own thoughts on Zacharias are that he was a highly intelligent mind who never met a question he was stumped by.
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