Friday, 18 January 2019

A Reply to Gillette Man Shaming

No doubt everyone has seen the new Gillette ad, which is pure sexist man shaming and blaming.

Not only have they bought into the feminist narrative, which is sexist by definition for it ignores the sins of women totally and blames men only  for women's  own evil (ie "men drove us to it") if they do sometimes acknowledge such, but the ad was heavy handed and preachifying

This is the typical method of the ideologue fanatic. Any arrogance  is justified, the think, because of the real or imagined truth of their  cause. This zealotry is as old as time itself. But the feminist and their allies have forgotten that the 17th century Puritans were much the same and as hated, which is why they fled to the Americas in and after 1620 there to exterminate indigenous peoples.

It  is not the business of merchants selling anything  to preach; and only shows the raw cynicism  of that whoring in the market place  which business has descended to.

Indeed to insult their  customer base is imbecility. They make razors mostly for men, and think it a virtue to insult men and blamed them for everything with no peek as to the evil of women also - which is to say have adopted the feminist narrative

But a video in reply to this toxic ad points out that the boot is to be worn on both feet, in other words that  women are sinners too.

And here it is

This is why feminism is nothing but man hating,  the embittered utterances of a female supremacist group seeking nothing but exemptions and privileges - any group out for justice would be even handed in its denunciation of evil.

Unfortunately there is one error in this vid common to the Gillette piece, and this at the end of it, the appeal to the solution. And this is, namely  the belief that we can be better people by resolving to do so . anyone who has tried this has failed. it is easy for virtue signalling hypocrites who have never seriously tried to be better to  demand this. To these I say go and try, and WHEN you have failed, with a spectacular agony commensurate with the effort, then you are ready to talk, or perhaps listen. for nothing but woe will follow this, the woe of another generation of repressed hypocrites , and so the cycle goes round and round again

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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind