Friday, 16 November 2018

If cultural appropriation is real . . . .

If cultural appropriation is real then it always was an atrocity. Therefore the aficionados thereof must go back through history to purge the art of the past of said vile evil.

Of course the very notion of cultural appropriation is absurd. Those who espouse this are looking for something to be angry at for in a soul so jaded as this only anger and hate can move it to any kind of heat. And how much more satisfying they think it when the cause in whose name  they are angry  can be identified, no matter how irrationally, as righteous

Mozart did culturally appropriate music from the Turks, namely the Ottoman Empire, whose music was all the rage in Vienna in the late 18th century.

The cross fertilisation of cultures is how cultures grow.

But it really is bizarre that they want multiculturalism, calling "Diversity" a strength when it merely corrodes the unity of a nation, yet refuse to allow the cultures to interact, screaming "appropriation!!" when they do

Truly it seems to me that  liberal guilt has become liberal self hatred but with the added problem that like all missionary minds they have to inflict this self hatred on everyone else

I submit that every person who follows this link to the Turkish March by Mozart will know the piece.  It is one of the few classical pieces recognizable by everyone, even if they cannot identify the work or composer

Hopefully those who listen to this rendition of the March will also recognise the arrogant absurdity of Political Correctness pushed to this degree.

That they think they should push  to this degree shows how absurd they are. But if they have not that only shows how lazy and inconsistent they are.

Puritans without a religion are as dangerous as those with one. And make no mistake, the Social Justice Warrior who is none of the components of his title, being a spoiled child with a grudge looking for something to be angry at, and the rest of the PC brigades, are nothing but latter day Puritans.

And of course knowing nothing of history except where they rewrite it to justify their self hatred and oikophobia, are dangerous.

Any attempt to make a Utopia is dangerous

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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind