This morning I looked in the youtube message inbox, which I only infrequently do. I found a link to a video, so duly followed it.
It was a thirty second promotional video for the sender's channel. It was of course a Christian's channel, hence my interest in following the link.
I was not pleased.
It effectively dared me to subscribe and asked me "where else will you find information on . .? " and then listed certain sins, some of which I myself am utterly defeated by and have been all the nearly thirty seven years of my Christian life.
It was clear to me that this man's question had a simple answer that exposed him as arrogant and presumptuous.
Where else?
The scriptures. The Holy Spirit.
And clearly not some man made ministry, self proclaimed preacher, teacher, or internet video channel
So I messaged the man and answered his presumably rhetorical question with the above few words and said that such was why I would not be subscribing.
I then looked around his channel to see if my instinct has further confirmation. I believe I found it. The channel also that we had to FIGHT (capitalized) against our own natures and that there was no hope for us if we did not. The brashness of his manner in the promo vid indicates to me that the capitalization of FIGHT showed me all I needed to know. This was will of the flesh legalism, not resting in the real, as opposed to falsely invoked, grace of God to be led to repentance by the Holy Spirit in quietness and gentleness. And I knew, and I invoke decades of hard experience on this, that the reason this person was not in total despair at his self imposed regime was because of his lack of sensitivity to the inward nature of sin.
The purpose of a teacher or "ministry" is not to say "come to us" but to encourage people the seek the Lord the Spirit as described adequately in the scriptures.
Anything else is the lineaments of a cult
For seeking men will only have them lay Law on you, which is the royal road to death given that the carnal mind can neither preach Law nor use it correctly.
I don't know if this person will reply to my message. I am not even sure he got it for the computer paused for a long time while sending it and it may have failed to be delivered.
No matter.
I did learn something
It was a thirty second promotional video for the sender's channel. It was of course a Christian's channel, hence my interest in following the link.
I was not pleased.
It effectively dared me to subscribe and asked me "where else will you find information on . .? " and then listed certain sins, some of which I myself am utterly defeated by and have been all the nearly thirty seven years of my Christian life.
It was clear to me that this man's question had a simple answer that exposed him as arrogant and presumptuous.
Where else?
The scriptures. The Holy Spirit.
And clearly not some man made ministry, self proclaimed preacher, teacher, or internet video channel
So I messaged the man and answered his presumably rhetorical question with the above few words and said that such was why I would not be subscribing.
I then looked around his channel to see if my instinct has further confirmation. I believe I found it. The channel also that we had to FIGHT (capitalized) against our own natures and that there was no hope for us if we did not. The brashness of his manner in the promo vid indicates to me that the capitalization of FIGHT showed me all I needed to know. This was will of the flesh legalism, not resting in the real, as opposed to falsely invoked, grace of God to be led to repentance by the Holy Spirit in quietness and gentleness. And I knew, and I invoke decades of hard experience on this, that the reason this person was not in total despair at his self imposed regime was because of his lack of sensitivity to the inward nature of sin.
The purpose of a teacher or "ministry" is not to say "come to us" but to encourage people the seek the Lord the Spirit as described adequately in the scriptures.
Anything else is the lineaments of a cult
For seeking men will only have them lay Law on you, which is the royal road to death given that the carnal mind can neither preach Law nor use it correctly.
I don't know if this person will reply to my message. I am not even sure he got it for the computer paused for a long time while sending it and it may have failed to be delivered.
No matter.
I did learn something
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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind