Saturday, 11 April 2015

The Twin Poles of Error 2: "Law" and "Grace"

When it comes to the Law of God, and by this I mean the moral core of the thing, not the sacrificial ordinances which were fulfilled at Calvary, nor the acted parables for holiness, such as not mixing fabrics in one's dress, nor the food laws, when it comes to the Law as summarised in the Ten Commandments and then in Two Greatest commandments there are, it seems to me, two and only two responses that the carnal minds of us carnal Christians can make.

The first is to deny the law outright, to claim it has been abolished. This is not true for Jesus said the Law will never pass away. Those who deny the Law call this grace, but it is nothing of the kind. This is the heresy of the easy believist and is not even faith

The second is to try by force of will to keep the Law, to become legalists, thus feeling obliged to try by force of will to obey the commandments which the Bible clearly says are utterly impossible. This  those legalists,  so endeavouring,  call obedience to God, but this too is nothing of the kind. However neither is it Law for the Love of God and neighbour is lost in the preoccupation   with detail that is the heresy which is legalism.

The thing is both sides will cling to their understandings and resort to brutal name calling to any who dare contradict them, who may have learned the hard way that neither of these two are proper responses to the Law of God and that grace is something else.

So easy believists live like pagans and legalists  are dead set on showing that the Christian faith is everything the atheists think it is, namely a mind control death cult.

And no one really cares that the name of God is being blasphemed among the nations by the fact that we are one of the two errors I mention here. Moreover we are blind to the fact that if we are not one of the two it is because we have been led to repent of being one of the two and can testify to the living Grace of Christ which led to this.

I see that the greatest enemies of the gospel are in fact within the House of God and often the delusion is so powerful that not even the Holy Spirit will be heeded, and this to the perdition of those who flatly refuse the still small voice who still says "Come to Me you who are heavy laden [ either with Law for the legalist or  with  the common cares of life  for the easy believist]  and I will give you rest."

Alas, how we have fallen, how we have defiled the Oracles of God, and how we sanctimoniously deny that we even have; and how stubbornly we cling to our defilement  of these as if the muck of this ( the defilement of the Oracles, not the Oracles themselves) is all the spiritual food we can ever know.

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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind