I saw a video, it does not matter which, in which a preacher was denouncing heretics.
That I agree with who he said the heretics were is beside the point
But I wrote in the comments:
Why is it always only ever the OTHER fellow who misrepresents the gospel of Christ?
Have none of you ever been taken on the Grand Tour of your own sinful hearts, with no less than the Holy Spirit as your Tour Guide, to see your own unbelief, heresies ( ie misrepresentations of Christ) and outright pretence at belief, hiding your own real belief - whatever it is - beind a legalistic commitment to truth?
Then you have missed the ride of a lifetime and have also refused the only way to ever come to an honest maturity whereby any of us have even the ability let alone the right to contend with those in error.
After all the dictum "logs and splinters " also apples to us all. we have NO right to contend with an error our hostility to which indicates that we are likely embued with it ourselves
And i know from my own bitter experience that the most zealous for truth are in fact the deepest hypocrites as regards it who are riddled with the most heresy. IOW, as they say, "been there done that." So heresy hunting no longer impresses me
Except for the barest minimum requirement of belief (namely that Jesus is God and that He rose from the dead) I am a christian because of my one on one relationship with the Holy Spirit, not my honest doctrinal orthodoxy - for of the latter i have very little.
So my days of pretending (as opposed to genuine belief) to orthodoxy are over.
When and if I ever come to full orthodoxy this will show by a radiance of life, the Fruit of the Spirit, without which i know that I am full of unbelief and which unbelif i see in other preachers
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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind