From a post I wrote in reply to an anglican minister fulsomely praising the Queen of England
And again, if we are going to glorify the nation and seek an embodiment of it in the person of a monarch what , I ask, are nations?
The bible is clear.
they are a drop in the bucket (ie insignificant) Isaiah 40:15
they rage against God and devise a vain thing Psalm 2:1 and as such they comprise the first of that ungodly trinity the world the flesh the devil
they were created in order to prevent Man from uniting and doing prodigious evil, IOW to keep men's evil limited by having his energies diffuse and thus wasted Genesis 11:6, and this after they had defied His command to spread out and separate. So he confounded the languages at Babel thus forcing compliance
We might be good citizens that the name of God be not blasphemed by our misbehaviour (I Peter 2:12) but we are citizens of heaven primarily, not our own native nations (Philippians 3:20); therefore we are strangers on this earth for this is not our home.
So of what import the nations?
As C S Lewis said, one of the few things i agree with him on, a nation might last 1000 years but an individual human has eternal existence from his conception onward.
so, subject to the limitations i mentioned above as to good behaviour of what value a nation?
they are all passing away, something the modern church, in all its worldliness, has essentially forgotten.
as to the Queen, if she is saved well and good but church religion saved no one being a form of godliness that denies the power thereof
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