Monday, 22 June 2020

Covid-19 and the politicization of science

This lady says it all.

There never was any good faith behind the covid lockdowns.

The "science" was junk and has been proven so time and time again.

In a culture so debased that science is deemed to be the infallible pronouncements of men in white coats  to be followed by all the rest of us, taken  as  pig ignorant yokels  by theself styled cognoscenti  it stands to reason that in its debasement it has become politicized,

time and time again the Left has simply got it wrong, from the Y2K panic to global warming, and now to the mindless hysterias of panic over a virus that only kills those with pre existing conditions.'

I am no friend of the right but the left has simply thrown away even the pretense of sense. I dont like it but this is the way it is.

After all where is the sense in claiming that covid is deadly then agreeing with so called
Black Lives Matter protests where thousands cram into streets, shoulder to shoulder to rant scream, and loot?

If we bend over and simply take the pronouncements  of those who demonize debate we have rejected science, for debate whereby arguments are won with evidence data and repeatable demonstration is the very essence of science

I knew before the lockdown that covid 19 was a minor thing, that more people die of the flu most years, that there were worse outbreaks, as in 1968 and the Sars outbreak of 2003, and all the evidence i got, not of course from  politicized mouthpieces of power, the main stream media,  has proven me right.

we are not a scientific culture for all our achievements.

we are a deeply religious one, but the religion is in part the cult of scientism.

And if we do not learn to distinguish science from scientism we deserve all the calamity that our ignorance will  lead us to

Sunday, 14 June 2020

On therapy, conversion or otherwise, briefly

What is the solution to "feelings" one does not like? to admit them to be sin before a holy but loving God and then be led to repent of them. but this requires what most do not have, a real personal relationship with God. I am against therapy and conversion is a work of the Holy Spirit if it is worth anything. So i reject "conversion therapy" outright.

Conversion therapy in this instance is the notion that a homosexual can be led by another person to "convert" to Jesus Christ whereby their homosexual inclination ceases to exist.

When the gay communities complains that the person subjected to such is being forced to ilive a lie and repress their own nature I can only agree with them.

For the Holy Spirit is not a domestic pet who can be ordered to perform when we ask for it. There are sins in my life that have stubbornly resisted all efforts of mine to move them. The effort has only stirred them up and inflamed them, as St Paul said in the 7th chapter ofhis letter to the Romans.

As an aside I believeI can account for this difficulty but i regard it as beyond thescopre of this post
To continue, then. We repent led by the grace of God - ie his direct and merciful personal intervention - under the New Covenant or we perish

and He acts in His own sovereign timing. This cannot be jollied along by some therapist, even by my own will power. Indeed such blundering interferance by the will of the flesh will delay the Lord's work and complicate the matter of sin in our lives, regardless of what sin it is, enormously I say we for it it does not matter what the ungodly feeling is. for me it is despair and hetero lust. no one has the right to probe as deeply into a person's soul as all therapists presume to do because no one has the ability to do sot without wreaking utter havoc. No one that is but the Holy Spirit ALL therapists usurp the prerogative of God Himself for only God can heal the soul, for sin and sin alone is the affliction that troubles the soul this is my testimony. i repented of the sins that comprise what they called "schizophrenia" and have had no dealings with psychiatrists or other therapists for over 30 years. you do the math.

Other sins I still await the mercy of God to have me repent of in the manner whereby the repentance means \nything at all and the sin is gone.

For this is newness of life. Not total perfection, of course, for he who claims it is a liar as scripture says,
but a progressionh from glory to glory as theApostle put it

I do not reject "Conversion therapyfor the chief reason the gay community say so, namely that such is not a sin. Homosexuality is a sin andi cwill change thisfor no man.

But it is presumkptuous as it usurps the prerogative of the HolySpirit and will likely destroy the faith of the gay person subjected to this bullying as well as the bully who does it,.

and of r such bullying the Holy and Terrible will demand a high price.

Such a notion also misunderstands conversion. conversion, which Evangelicals have always idolized, itnot the end, buytthebarfest beginning. on conversoin we immediately become carnal christians.

None of us were so wise and humble as to repent all atonce of all our sins on conversion.

Such a work is the nature of sanctification which God leads us to as a process, and before those who claim that my invoking a process implies I i am invoking works salvatokini will say it is a process of His grace

His continuing Grace.

Let us not get too excited

yes, a literal genesis is crucial to the logic of the christian faith. without it IMO the whole thing crumbles. but i know Christians of good faith who do not think so. we agree to differ.

But even if i and the rest of the Young Earth Creationists are right about this let us not get too excited about it. After all the Pharisees did believe in the literal genesis also. This can be see by how Jesus argued with them.

However they were pharisees, they were legalists and we are told that our righteousness must be greater than theirs to enter the Kingdom.

Believing that God exists is not enough, for James said that even Satan believes that God exists ,and trembles

True, let us establish the logical basis of faith in a literal genesis, then move on. if we get over excited about this we become pharisees and even worse polemicists who use Genesis as a stick to beat evolutionists with - and i have seen this done, not only repeatedly but with monotonous regularity from sites who trumpet their conservative biblical credentials and then ignore what scripture says about conduct in defending the faith.

what i am saying is that though i hold this matter to be essential, others who I firmly hold to be christians do not, and even ifit is essential it is not sufficient, and the arrogance and combativeness of too many creationists shows that they really do think that Young Earth Creationism it is sufficient. when it is no such thing

Last time Ilooked it was faith in Jesus Christ which saved us, not rigid stance on the Age of the Earth

Very Briefly on the US riots

To distill down to something as brief as an aphorism as regards the riots over the death of George Floyd

Those who care will seek a reason to protest

But those who hate will only  grab the flimsiest of excuses  to riot