Sunday, 14 June 2020

Let us not get too excited

yes, a literal genesis is crucial to the logic of the christian faith. without it IMO the whole thing crumbles. but i know Christians of good faith who do not think so. we agree to differ.

But even if i and the rest of the Young Earth Creationists are right about this let us not get too excited about it. After all the Pharisees did believe in the literal genesis also. This can be see by how Jesus argued with them.

However they were pharisees, they were legalists and we are told that our righteousness must be greater than theirs to enter the Kingdom.

Believing that God exists is not enough, for James said that even Satan believes that God exists ,and trembles

True, let us establish the logical basis of faith in a literal genesis, then move on. if we get over excited about this we become pharisees and even worse polemicists who use Genesis as a stick to beat evolutionists with - and i have seen this done, not only repeatedly but with monotonous regularity from sites who trumpet their conservative biblical credentials and then ignore what scripture says about conduct in defending the faith.

what i am saying is that though i hold this matter to be essential, others who I firmly hold to be christians do not, and even ifit is essential it is not sufficient, and the arrogance and combativeness of too many creationists shows that they really do think that Young Earth Creationism it is sufficient. when it is no such thing

Last time Ilooked it was faith in Jesus Christ which saved us, not rigid stance on the Age of the Earth

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