There is an enormous bulk of rational scientific refutations of the theory that global warming is caused by man, and that CO2 is the control knob for the climate
In fact there is so much information out there that the warmists, who refuse to even look at it, can only show their intrinsic dishonesty.
They would tax you back to the stone age, have you die of cold in the winters because they boast that energy prices will and should go sky high. and they think that reducing CO2 emissions to zero would have any more effect than to reduce the temperature by .001 of a degree
But then i hold the greens to be agrarian fantasists who never cared to understand that life in agrarian economies was usually nasty brutish and short. and in politics any fantasist is a dangerous fanatic
This is merely one of the many videos i have seen on this matter.
CO is plant food. To call it a pollutant only shows gross ignorance of basic science
but my case, though i am gratified to know that science properly done confirms my case, was not based on science.
I am a history buff,
I knew from my own reading that there was a medieval warm period which was warmer than today.
Greenland was called green because it was when discovered by Viking explorers, .and they settled the place for several centuries, but it was abandoned when the little ice age which was at its deepest in 1700 made settlement there impossible.
in fact they grew barley there. in a land where the settlement is now under permafrost.
Ergo the world was warmer then than now.
Why, I ask, did Michael Mann and his ilk have to tell lies about human history which is attested to by written records?
The lie was to remove the Medieval warm period from history, to ignore the Little ice age in order to get the flat line required for allegedly dramatic temperature rise required the hockey stick.
I hold this against them. I reject their claims and can do so for this alone. they are liars
there is so much more to write.
They used to call it global warming until the globe stopped warming. Then they changed to name to "Climate Change". This is a deceitful trick, for climate always changes, and Man's influence on it is negligible.
But falsifying of the past is the arsenal of the warmists and their data tampering.
Tony Heller, also on youtube has pointed out that the 1930's were hotter than now, and that the trend is that days over 100 degrees F is in fact declining. no one has dropped dead in a heat wave this year. but they did by the hundreds back in the 1930's
In fact there is so much information out there that the warmists, who refuse to even look at it, can only show their intrinsic dishonesty.
They would tax you back to the stone age, have you die of cold in the winters because they boast that energy prices will and should go sky high. and they think that reducing CO2 emissions to zero would have any more effect than to reduce the temperature by .001 of a degree
But then i hold the greens to be agrarian fantasists who never cared to understand that life in agrarian economies was usually nasty brutish and short. and in politics any fantasist is a dangerous fanatic
This is merely one of the many videos i have seen on this matter.
CO is plant food. To call it a pollutant only shows gross ignorance of basic science
but my case, though i am gratified to know that science properly done confirms my case, was not based on science.
I am a history buff,
I knew from my own reading that there was a medieval warm period which was warmer than today.
Greenland was called green because it was when discovered by Viking explorers, .and they settled the place for several centuries, but it was abandoned when the little ice age which was at its deepest in 1700 made settlement there impossible.
in fact they grew barley there. in a land where the settlement is now under permafrost.
Ergo the world was warmer then than now.
Why, I ask, did Michael Mann and his ilk have to tell lies about human history which is attested to by written records?
The lie was to remove the Medieval warm period from history, to ignore the Little ice age in order to get the flat line required for allegedly dramatic temperature rise required the hockey stick.
I hold this against them. I reject their claims and can do so for this alone. they are liars
there is so much more to write.
They used to call it global warming until the globe stopped warming. Then they changed to name to "Climate Change". This is a deceitful trick, for climate always changes, and Man's influence on it is negligible.
But falsifying of the past is the arsenal of the warmists and their data tampering.
Tony Heller, also on youtube has pointed out that the 1930's were hotter than now, and that the trend is that days over 100 degrees F is in fact declining. no one has dropped dead in a heat wave this year. but they did by the hundreds back in the 1930's
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