Tuesday, 24 December 2019

The Impeachment of Donald Trump

Anyone who cares to follow  context will see that as the Democrat Party of the USA and its far Left allies have hated Donald Trump since the very start, there is no good faith  reason to believe that they are motivated by anything other than this hatred as regards this impeachment. This is therefore a malicious and frivolous prosecution  and shows the lawlessness of those participating in it.

The latest attempt, after the Mueller Report showed that there was no evidence of Russian collusion (that there was no evidence of crime never stopped them in their determination to  seek other excuses to accuse) is an allegation of Trump's illegal interference in another country's politics, and the basis of impeachment proceedings itself,  to wit his alleged  asking  Ukraine's President to find dirt on Joe Biden (a prospective Democrat Presidential Candidate) in return for Aid to  Ukraine.

The White House published the transcript  of the allegedly criminal phone call,  and this  is a video on BitChute which read out the salient  passages and analysed the whole sordid affair in the light of a malicious hit piece by an organ which should know better, namely Christianity Today, a magazine founded by Billy Graham, calling for Trump's removal and endorsing the malice and lies of the democrats.

The video shows that the quid pro quo was done by Joe Biden, not Trump  to protect his own son who was involved in illegal activity in a  company  in Ukraine on the board of which he sat. Biden asked some official to stop an investigation which would indict his son, in return for said aid.

President Trump was merely asking that  this investigation should be resumed. Was there political  motive? Probably, but was a request for an investigation that was illegally shut down to be resumed itself illegal?

But the democrats in their insane rage  have to twist words before their very eyes.

If they do not care about the reputation  of the democratic process or their own country that is on them, but for them to accuse Trump of these attitudes is sheer effrontery. Jung the psychologist called it projection and it is increasingly the Left which do this these days.

Donald Trump is no scholar, no gentleman and no saint. I know this.

but since when did the democrats become such  champions of petit bourgeois sensitivities?

only when it suited them to  invoke such in order to "roll" an office holder they personally hated.

After all Democrat JFK was a notorious womanizer who would so the saying goes, chase anything in a skirt.  Clinton lied to Congress about having sex with an intern - and he was in fact guilty of these charges; and IMO the worst of them all was the smooth talking hypocrite Barak Obama. the promise breaker who never closed down the torture centre at Guantanamo Bay, expanded Americas involvement in wars and after condemning Bush Jr's  use of signing statements fell to making some of his own.

All without a peep from these so moral and righteous Democrats so passionate for the rule of Law

The scandal is not the things Trump is charged with but the fact that the democrats are so convulsed with the  delusions that  spring from hatred as to bring a frivolous prosecution to either remove or influence an upcoming election.

Such corruption of due process and politics will indeed contribute to the growing mountain of iniquity whereby God will punish the US of A.

But this iniquity is not complete, the time of wrath which may have the country split asunder is not  yet

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1 comment:

  1. There is another perhaps overlooked motive at stake here. According to the American constitution,if both the President and Vice-President are removed from office, the Speaker of the House inherits the higest office in the land bu default. Is this the real plan of Pelosi and the democrats, to have a democratic President in The White House who has absolutely no mandate from the people? This would be an illegal coup.

    For the record, Donald Trump has not technically been impeached. This has been misreported (no surprise there). Impeachment does not occur until the two articles passed in the house are presented to the senate. Pelosi has shocked many with her sudden hesitation to do so. Why? Is it because she knows she has no case? It is possible the democrats want more articles of impeachment passed in the house before they proceed but it is more likely, with the overwhelming number in the senate opposed and ready to vote against impeachment, that a delay is being used while strong arm tactics are being perpetuated on those in the senate who may appear vulnerable to such things. These tactics would include anything from bribery to blackmail to deaths threats on them and their families if the senators do not comply to democrat wishes. I would put nothing past these lowlifes to use such mafia-type thuggery to get the result they desire. Impeach by hook or by crook.


You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind