Saturday, 28 September 2019

The Thunberg Phenomenon

Even if Greta Thunberg, child activist, even now likened by some activists to Joan of Arc or Jesus returned Himself, even if she is correct about global warming being man made and ongoing, she is acting in a way that is the height of irresponsibility.

She is on record as saying that we should be panicking as if our house were on fire, because it is

I have been in a few fire drills, but thank God I have never been in any real fires.

What do the fire wardens say?

"Move quickly and quietly to your nearest designated exit. Do not run. DO NOT PANIC."

Panic has people screaming hysterically and running aimlessly, killing each other in the stampede.

If a person shouts "FIRE" in a crowded theatre panic will ensue. People WILL likely die, even if there were no fire. And if there were no fire that person shouting so as to initiate the panic would be criminally liable; and if there were fire a stampede from said panic is still not a rational manner to respond. Otherwise, I might ask, why are fire drills the way they are, if panic is not only necessary but desirable?

Panic is the enemy of rational response to even a real disaster.

I repeat: to spread panic even in the name of the real threat ios the height of irresponsibility.

Greta Thunberg is on record as saying herself that she has severe mental problems : despair, depression   selective mutism  and refusing to eat for long periods.

A mind given to such extremes of despair is not given to balance or nuance.

But she never put her self forward. She  is a pawn of various interests who, in complete cynical disregard for the welfare of a child who is immature for her 16 years - she looks 12 -  think that an argument that has no traction will become credible if put in the mouth of said disabled child.

It is vile child abuse of the most cynical and brutal kind.

Her parents and handlers should be liable to criminal  charges, and the child herself ,  Greta Thunberg should be removed from the public arena before further damage is done to her, for I understand that autistic children of all degrees - and asbergers is a lesser degree of autism - need peace , quiet, regular routine and a controlled environment.

As for the issue itself, that of Catastrophic Man Made Global Warming, that is to be debated soberly with recourse to evidence, fact, logic and free and open  disclosure of all information and data by all scientists involved.

A society so bereft of reason to as to listen to a disabled child whose disability is mental is in a parlous state and will fall if that madness continues.

I have not addressed the issue itself here. That will come later, if I deem it worth the effort

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