I regard globalism as a great and terrible evil.
I posted the following on a blog site which applauded nationalism as a virtue, But . .
I posted the following on a blog site which applauded nationalism as a virtue, But . .
. . . I do not agree that nationalism, touted as the remedy for such is a virtue. I am well aware that God set up the nations, but he did so as recorded in the Tower of Babel event ; to keep man in separated groups lest his energies be pooled and unspeakable evil come about.
At best nationalism is a pragmatic strategy on the part of the Living God in the face of human sin. It is a lesser evil.
Why? The nations - all of them - rage against God and devise a vain thing (Psalm 2). I have never seen a patriot who was not an idolator; and no they do not love God, not when their love for their nation still has them treat their neighbour - the poor of their nations - with contempt. Besides if the nations are so good why are they in such a state of perpetual war such that some foolish minds hope to abolish war by abolish the nations? War is in our bones, not in our political constitutions
And let us consider that the story of the so called Good Samaritan the Samaritan in question did a good deed to someone his own people loathed and despised; and the feeling between Jews and Samaritans was mutual. Such mercy is not the hallmark of a patriot.
I am not a patriot. I act as a good citizen only because God commands me not to discredit the Gospel by bad behaviour, but my home is not this earth, for I am a citizen of heaven and a sojourner on this earth
Let us also grant that the Globalists are correct on the evils nationalism has spawned. The 20th century is full of the wreckage it produced. But the Globalists, in reaction to this undeniable fact want to go lurching like a drunkard blindly into something infinitely worse.
Globalism is of the devil, but the two evils here are not equal, for globalism is much, much worse.
But as we men are all evil we can only appeal to another idolatry (nationalism) to oppose an idolatry (Globalism).
Certainly Bergoglio - i will not dignify him with the papal name he arrogated to himself - has denied the Christian faith on more than one occasion.
I will let the mad frenzy of the nations continue to rage as scripture says they do. The farce will play itself out even if and when it ends with them achieving their one world dystopia. For dystopia it is, of such horror that Christ Himself must descend to earth with his host of saints in His retinue to destroy it.
But all in due time
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