Thursday, 11 January 2018

Here Me Roar

After some 40 years I have rejected feminism. I will write more on this especially if I get a spirited response here.

I always thought that Helen Reddy's song "I am woman hear me roar,"  a classic from the 1970's,  was rather silly, a prideful and thus sinful boast. But as a woman worshiping feminist sympathizer - the term I used as I was so PC as to not dare claim to understand the oppressed class which is Woman - I let this thought go,

However these days feminism has changed. One commentator has referred to the modern 3rd wave as singing "I am Woman hear me whine,"  for it now suits them to appeal to gender stereotypes not out of principle but  because, as I said , it suits them.

And it certainly suits them to play the vulnerable victim to extort sympathy from men, the which we men are too willing to give. But meanwhile they are  screaming "misogyny!!" when others respond to stereotypes, for or against, in ways that do not suit the feminists.

For feminism is not a principled stance for or against classical stereotypes, but a cynical  appeal  or abrogation  of them as and when it suits. After all feminist women insist they can do any thing  a man can . . except put up with the harsh ribbing, whether affectionate or not, that is in the average workplace.

Either women can do all that men can, including these things, or they can not. Only the totally unprincipled or the childishly naive or the intellectually deficient want it both ways.. And I for one do not believe that women are stupid 

 However this is an aside to my point here today,

For just yesterday  or the day before  I can across an antifeminist video  entitled


Now as regards this patent absurdity I cannot forebear to comment.

There is only One who can say this,  that is to say  "HEAR ME ROAR," and this is my Dread Lord and Sovereign, Great Yahweh, God of Israel  Creator and Judge of the Earth. as incarnate in his Son Jesus Christ.

He will indeed return with a shout  which we may regard as a synonym for a roar,

And when He does those of us who believe in Him will shout for joy,

But the others will face His terrible wrath, will go to the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth and will regret that the day they  were ever  born.

The remedy to female chauvinism is not male chauvinism.

Let us have a care as to Who in fact will roar, and consider being on the correct side of the matter when He does

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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind