Wednesday, 19 April 2017

My Political Progress

I started life as a Leftist and continued as such for the bulk of my life.

I recently came across as Black American conservative by name of Thomas Sowell. He made a lot of sense but of course what was unsaid, as with all political pundits, is what shows his error - and this on both sides. That is to say each side is very good at pointing out the errors and abuses of the other, but nary a word about their own. Yet I am a generous man: when two sides call the other names I will agree with everyone so see both as being as bad as the other.

But I must agree with Sowell that the function of government is to enforce contracts and maintain civil order. In parenthesis I would add that I at this time regard Welfare as a device for maintaining order. Starving people do riot. Let us not be so deluded as to think that Governments act out of compassion.  Bread and Circuses was always the means and the motive. Nanny State is really Big Brother in drag.

Yet I hold that  anything more  than the above listed as functions of government, being social engineering, is coercive, verges on totalitarianism and is arrogant as well as presumptuous insofar as such measures were decreed by the Left and not the people at large. For in trying to make Man good the Left can only corece Man into being - ie pretending to be - what he is not.

So my enchantment with the Left is breaking down. This video of Sowell did not cause this, but only aided it. I have come to the conclusion after decades of religious legalism that law does not work, indeed excessive legislation is a symptom, not the cure, of the lawlessness it covers

So before any think I am becoming a Rightist, to either condemn or applaud,  let me assure you, the enchantment with Sowell broke when I saw a video of him saying Obama was a Leftist. Being Bush-lite the self styled Great White Hope was nothing of the sort.

And even if I see the Left as Looney - increasingly so - I am not about to join the opposite faction that is bent on imposing its will. I will move to what I increasingly view as the proper christian line- apolitical, the Church standing outside the process and rebuking it prophetically - both side - if the Holy Spirits leads

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You can disagree with me, even spiritedly. But keep it civil as I am the one hurt by cruelty. I must protect myself from nastiness and will block or ban users if I must. And it would help if you offered reasons for your disagreements. If they are good I may respect you. If they are sound I may even change my mind