Now I hold that the Hebrew Feasts are indeed types (google typology is you must) of various events in salvific history, but to set the dates of things for which we are told were are not to know the dates (Acts 1:6-8) is in open defiance of scripture. That is to say although the feast is or may be a symbol of a future event (that is in part what a type is) therefore the future event will or must happen on the date of a forthcoming Hebrew Feast is irresponsible.
Some proponents of this scheme, which when it fails will only bring about further blasphemy against the name of God, hold that an unusual concurrence of Blood Moons will fulfil the prophecy about the moon turning to blood (it does not for it is a regularly occurring natural event), while some do not.
Some say the rapture will happen on that day with the tribulation following, another says that the tribulation started in 2009 and that this day is the Second Coming of Christ.
Others claim that the asteroid wormwood, mentioned in Revelation will strike that day.
But they all have in common is a setting of dates where this is forbidden.
Indeed some have been so bold as to argue why the passage Acts 1:6-8 "It is not for you to know the times the Father has set by His authority" does not apply to us, the 21st century church.
Quite literally, they dice with death. The passage is crystal clear, the broader context, as I argued in a previous post, confirms that this applies to all persons at all times, and so it is a special contumacity whereby they dare defy scripture on this. Error in end time doctrine is not grave heresy per se, I would argue. But error does lead to the Name being blasphemed and, more deadly, can destroy the faith of those who believed in the error before time revealed it to be error. And for this God holds them responsible, hence my severe claim that they dice with death
My point in posting this, as well as to vent my frustration at the dishonesty, sloppiness as well as the plainly observable arrogant manner of those who defend such nonsensical scenarios as I have just wasted time on, is this:
I publicly disavow all date setting as to the Rapture, Second Coming, the Start of the Great Tribulation or indeed any event in the immediate run up to the Second Coming of Christ. The point of watching and praying, and of being not ignorant of the times and seasons, as I have said, is to recognize as they happen these things so not be caught off guard when they do. It is not, absolutely not, to be able to set a date before it happens.
I would make this heard before this latest scheme fails as every other has failed in history, namely that the failure of this, as it will and must fail, cannot and does not impact the truth of the gospel of Christ, and that to claim it does is the fallacy of the straw man.
Moreover I will say, in the confidence of the Holy Spirit of Christ, that nothing of prophetic significance will happen on this date. If they defy the scriptures to set a date the Lord the Spirit will cock a snook at them by failing to perform on the date so set.
But alas the madness will not stop. It has not stopped in 2000 years and nothing, not scripture, the remonstrances of the Holy Spirit, nor reason, will stop them.
And so the name of God will continue to be blasphemed among the nations because of them.
They do not care, so on their own head shall be it.
We are not to cease to watch and pray, but we were never enjoined to go beyond that remit as these fanatics have done.
They claim to have warned those who refuse their exegetically irresponsible schemes, as if salvation were by eschatology not grace through faith.
But in fact a good number of people, of which my voice is only one, have warned them, and as time is always the enemy of false prophetic prediction it is only a matter of weeks before they are exposed to ridicule or worse.
I'm am now led to believe that we are not in the last generation. Every generation, perhaps because of pride and self-righteousness, think they are so "special" because they are in the end times. I think this thinking has probably gone on for centuries amongst many Christians. I am now convinced the fig tree mentioned in Mathew 24 and other gospel passages is NOT Israel, but rather the body of Christ. Is the body of Christ in full bloom? It has hardly started, it is very sick right now. As God begins to restore all things before His return (and I believe He is just in the throes of getting started), it will take several generations for this to come into complete fulfilment. THEN and only THEN will be the last generation.