Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Opera and History

As a musician I played in  the pit orchestra for numerous operas, hence the material for my view on history.

It may be likened to Italian Opera:

A meaningless progression (after all  it was Doctor Johnson who said opera was an irrational entertainment)

Some fine moments, namely great solos with virtuosity that brings the house down

Some massive ensembles and spectacle

And a Tragic End.

Now I am not saying I hate Opera, but it really depends on my mood. Sometimes the intrinsic absurdity of a dying diva singing a coloratura aria in the process of her own demise  can be fun . .

As for the analogy itself, some would say that this contradicts the Biblical view of history as God's plan outworking in time.

I would answer that  my view is what men have made of history, for a godless world is subjected to futility and nihilism is the only real  rational view of a purely secular world. Additional to this I might invoke the  work of the Holy Spirit as being layered over the futility  and evil according to His grace, but to those who deny such there is only the meaningless progression, the other things I mentioned,

And the Tragic End

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