Thursday, 8 February 2024

The lies in modern culture compared to the lies in the church

 An American Christian named Rosaria  Butterfield   has preached against some of lies that are permeating modern culture.

She does part of it here

and I have seen other videos of her on this

She is of course correct.

BUT I reply to her post below. For such denunciations barely scratch the surface


and I said . . .

This very good and necessary. Now i suggest she looks at the lies that have been the foundation of the church since almost the beginning.

and note i did say ALMOST. i never said these following lies were ever preached by the apostles. ND NEVER WILL

But the carnal mind, when it encounters the commandments of God will always twist them, corrupting them into something else entirely, namely lies and they include

1/ that forced obedience against one's own heart is genuine and that God both requires it and is pleased with it

2/that faith  can be engendered,  ie pumped up by willpower

3/ that love is actions  and has nothing to do with feeling

4/that doctrinal assent equals saving faith

5/ that we actually believe the gospel of Christ and are honest about it  when our lives show WE DO NOT

6/ that His yoke is hard  ( remember that He said it was EASY

we can preach  all we like against the lies she speaks about but until we look at the ones i list here we have NOTHING to counter these other lies with for we do NOT believe the gospel. After all the hypocrisy of us Christians  is proverbial and has been for CENTURIES