Saturday, 29 September 2018

When will the Killing Start?

The radical Left have always been Utopians.

They believe that Man is perfectible, therefore they are committed to the means of making man better - not to the betterment of his material state  - but are committed to  the changing of his nature.

But this is the essence of totalitarianism.

This is because in order to change men to the extent they require the Leftists  must take over everything required to produce this:, education, social interactions - the feminist need to control all interactions between men and women by legal fiat as an example of this and proof that feminism itself is a totalitarian ideology - indeed they must take over all of society in order to effect this re education.

I found on the Internet some time ago the origin of the term totalitarian. It made chilling reading

"Everything within the State, Nothing outside of the State, Nothing against the State." This term was coined by either Mussolini or one of his associates.

And what has the State to do with this? They seek to do this by law and how else but through the coercive mechanism of the State.

That is why the feminist dictum the personal is the political is so dangerous -  among other things It blurs the  distinction between the public and private, allowing the State to interfere in the private lives of persons.

"Everything within the State, Nothing outside of the State . . . . "

the thing is the human heart cannot be reeducated. it cannot even be commanded, The purpose of the Law God, incidentally, was not to command the heart of Man, although imperative language was used, it was something else, as I have dealt with  or will deal with elsewhere on this blog .

Globalism, which is part of Leftist Utopianism,  thinks that what they call "diversity" and "inclusion"  will have all the communities of humanity come together around the campfire of the world and sing kumbaya.

this is fuelled by sheer sentimentality, and their advocacy of such nonsense is nothing but virtue signalling by those too lazy to learn some history.

what it will do is put the cats of all men in a sack and throw it in a river. chaos will result. they hope to end war by ending difference. but people are different and so they will fight.

they always have and they always will

Mass immigration is in the same category.  Even if the prosperous nations should share their well being with the poorer, people will, as a matter of plain fact,  resent mass influxes of foreigners, fearing, rightly or wrongly , that such will steal their jobs and disrupt their way of life. and it is seen that many of these migrants have no intention of assimilating, and in the case of Muslim immigration to the West, enclaves  of such, not finding the prosperity they hoped for, will become radicalised and produce its own crop of terrorists

this is all deplorable but the leftist solution is much, much worse.

The thing is God required the nations to be separate. In the Babel account, Genesis chapter 11, God sundered the languages of Man as man would not disperse. They were disperse for God knew what great evil will arise when Man unites. This is on the way to happening and the ultimate defiance of this will be the final one world government of the Beast

totalitarian regimes have always thought that they could force others to think what they think, with only contempt for opposing views.

We see this in such violence and bigotry from the Left these days, the thugs of Antifa and feminist hooligans disrupting meetings of MRA

But some totalitarian regimes have been Right Wing, the Nazis for example. But now the Left is fully on board with this utterly illiberal agenda

We should love one another?

Indeed. But do we? Have we ever?

Just read some history or look at the news, or simply use your own eyes and see what is in front of them.

An attempt to force what is foreign to human nature will always fail spectacularly proportionate to the amount of effort invested in it.

I know this from personal experience as I tried to change my self in accordance, I so blindly thought, to the Law of God.

So what we have is an ideology so opposed to human nature that though some will submit and devoutly try to produce the appearance required by feminism, identity politics, diversity, globalism etc (and appearance is all they can do) there are some who know full well that they cannot and will not live under such in ideology.

So they must be got rid of, especially if they resist reeducation.

A former friend of mine, a leftist, told me in all seriousness that there were some people she did not want living on this planet any more. I was chilled and horrified by the illiberal cruelty of one who thinks herself a kind and liberal person.

So, to the title of this piece

when will the killing start?

It has happened before, as under Stalin and Pol Pot, and even Lenin believed in shedding rivers of blood. and on the Right for his Utopian vision was of a return to an idealised and thus non existent traditional past, Adolf  Hitler

Any PC "liberal" who blindly thinks that true and peaceful unity will be produced d by political or social fiat should look inwards and try to change themselves. When they have failed they would, if they had any humility or sense, know that if they cannot change themselves they cannot change others. So their Utopian dream is both false and dangerous. As they all are

The world is evil, all of us. and it is still the case that unless we repent we will perish.

All of us

I must made a concluding note.

I am no Rightist. The Right always has been the party of the deceitfulness of riches. But it is a testimony to the thoroughgoing rot and madness of the Left that the Right simply makes more sense most of the time than the Left does, yet not to the rectitude of the Right.

God's kingdom is not of this world.

I will not be of its politics, for politics is the art of the possible as conceived by the contemptible for politics is the art of trying to live without God - especially when His named is blasphemed by being invoked, a sin the Right is often given to.

And living without God makes all of us contemptible

Saturday, 1 September 2018

The Nations, Patriotism and the Left/Right Divide - brief

I am a  christian. Why am i not a patriot? Because the Bible says that i am a foreigner in this world, my citizenship is in heaven, the world - the whole world -  is in opposition to God,  the nations are insignificant drops in the bucket. I am commanded to behave myself that the gospel of christ be not discredited because of me and my loyalty is to God - or at least should be and i am repenting of the shortfall as it arises -  and  not to anything else. and as Jesus said no man can serve two masters - not that he ought not do so but that it was an impossibility - how can one be a patriot as well as a Christian? Loving my neighbour is one thing, indeed it is one thing patriots are significantly lacking in when they have such contempt for the poor among their own countrymen. So their love for their country is an abstraction, an idea, in fact it is an idol, the very sin of idolatry

As for the conservative /liberal question: the love of Christ is so rare that it is not traditional for the trad forms of church religion are without this love and always have been . Indeed biblical agape love is so radical that the conservatives cannot accept it any more than atheist Leftists can - and the conservatives certainly cannot produce it. But I will give the Left one tiny measure of credit. As most of them seem to me to be atheists they do not so easily blaspheme the Name of God by invoking it to back their political schemes as so many of the Right are wont to do So I am no patriot and no conservative, but I am no longer a leftist either. For I come to reject totally the notion that Man is perfectible, which is the very staple of Leftist thought. I regard my shift here as that which God wills and leads