Wednesday, 20 June 2018

naming the antichrist

People have been seeking to name the Antichrist for centuries, even millennia. Of course they have always got it wrong. I believe that they have approached the issue from the entirely wrong angle. Prophecy is not given that we can set dates. I have already argued on this one, and in my opinion naming names for the Man of Sin when he is not yet here is much the same species of unbelief. I contend that it is not faith to need to know who he is beforehand, but rather presumption Rather than trying to figure out who the Antichrist is beforehand we should wait till something is done which will confirm his role and then look at who he is. This, i assert, is precisely what the data given in scripture is for, to help us to recognise who is is when he arrives and not before, so that we may respond to him properly when, if he is not arrived, there is no need to such a response That is to say we should turn the whole enterprise on its head and wait for an occurrence which will say "HEY THERE! PAY ATTENTION!"  Now that will at least be the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem because until there is a Temple in Jerusalem there will be no means of stopping a sacrifice which has not started yet. I know there is talk among religious Jews of rebuilding said temple, but i am quite sure that God Almighty, having declared its significance, will actively prevent its rebuild until he decides the time is right In other words - and this is the bedrock of my belief on this matter - no Temple, no proper time. So speculation is pointless and indeed is a sin. So until the Temple is rebuilt much talk on end times is empty speculation. I have long held that wondering on who the beast is is a blasphemous exercise. \ It also leads to further ridicule of the name of Christ when we make bold utterances which are proven false. It is best that we refrain, but, no, alas we usually will not learn this, and so continue or folly I will repeat here that we were not given data to identify him beforehand, we were given data to recognise  him WHEN, having arrived, HE DOES CERTAIN THINGS. Scripture after all does say take no thought for tomorrow for sufficient to the day is the evil thereof. We will deal with the Beast when he gets her and not before. And if some things are done which indicates he is the Beast I will take a look at who the world leader is who stops the sacrifice, declares himself God, when he does it, and not before, if I am not already martyred by him. If he is a Syrian Muslim, well and good, but if he is an eastern roman Jew, once commonly held as a view before 9/11 also well and good. Until then eschatology is a comparative sideshow  and too much interest in it can be idolatrous. i do not regard it as absurd that i will be dead and buried of old age before the temple is rebuilt now that i am nearly 60 and have been a Christan for nearly 40 years. It is the time to repent of our sins, wait on the Lord and be led by His spirit  NOW  It is still the case we are to walk in the Spirit now and let tomorrow take care of itself. If we are so focused on the ultimate of final days as to forget the leading of the Spirit her and now our endeavour will be wasted work, for to ignore the Spirit too may times is to fall away to perdition

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