Saturday, 24 June 2017

How's This For a Paradox?

Indeed, and as I grow more and more convinced that paradox is God's calling card I place this one before you.

If I am to ever love my neighbour there is one belief I must be rid of.

And that is?

Belief in Man. Note the capitalization. Believing in Man is not to love Man,  nor men, that is to say individual persons, nor even your neighbour. It is the worship of an image,  which is of course idealized and thus idolatrous, both for this idealization  and for it being worshipped at all. After all how many do you know who profess great love for the human race  but cannot get on with the people they live with on a  day to day basis? 

Moreover, in fact, this belief in Man is such that  various stripe of humanists  hold that for the Utopia to come mass murder is the necessary order of the day. And all because they believe in Man and want to improve the race. After all what else is to be done with those who cannot or will not agree with the Utopian vision of the fantic who wasnts to impose it?  And even in those not so extreme, well, for example, in  ordinary politics, all of which professes to believ in this very thing, centuries of effort  has got nowhere. The human experiment has failed. Only die hards who refuse to face cold hard evidence refuse to face this.

Of course there is a belief in Man that is far less high minded or presumptuous. It is called having faith in human nature. It is deemed necessary for all civility and a decent life, and loss of it is bemonaned often enough. But as one who has trusted in men all my life and who has the scars of betrayal, usually inadvertent but often enough deliberately vicious, I can only say that trusting in human nature is disastrous. Of course most people think it necessary as it is, to be sure, all they have. As for misanthropism, that bitterness comes from a continuing trust held in the face of the evidence that it is not trustworthy, despite, I submit, all angry disclaimers to the contrary. True freedom is not mistrust in men, but a cheerful realization that they are not overall any real help when the chips are down. Of course all people need to thrust something or some One. We are made that way. Enter the Holy Spirit of Christ, but the most trustwothy is not trusted by us and this  out of our own fear of his holy warath against sin or in proud belief we can or should save ourselves, or even, sometimes, if we are mad enough, and I was. we mistrust Him for both reasons

As for loving my neighbour, well who is my neighbour?

This question was answered in scripture where Jesus, being asked this selfsame question, told the story of the Samaritan. The neighbour was an ememy of his own people, for Jews and Samaritans loathed each other.

Now of course I have been opposed to humanisam in principle for decades. But what I speak of is  here is the lurking emotional reality in the core of my own sinful heart.

This has always been resistant to such small things as words, and it is this inner reality that makes hypocrites of all of us who determine to find out and do the right thing

This inner state  cannot be rooted out by human determination and God will certainly not aid us in our efforts so to do, for if he really did aid us  thus  He would owe an apology to the Phariaees and every serious monk who broke his health in a futile endeavour

I do not love my neighbour for I do not love God; and I do not love God, as seen in my spontaneous actions and careless words - not in anything i ever forced, the which was only hypocrisy - because my hearts is full of idols, including belief in, well,  what I mentioned at the cery start of this little vignette::  Man

As in absolutely everything else in the christian life this comes down to the individual's personal relationship with the Holy Spirit of Christ for I can and do assert with increasing confidence that there is no life changing repentance, such as the New Covenant offers and indeed commmands, without it

Monday, 5 June 2017

The Greens and I

This is a facebook post from a yeart ago, a sketch of my position which i may elaborate on if I see fit:

Given that global warming has ceased and was not caused by men, and given that the science saying so is valid despite the cries of those opposed to it, given all these things I have lost all respect for the so called Greens. Green does not mean a party that respects human life or people because after all the Nazis were green. They were even anti smoking long before anyone else .

Green is an agrarian fantasy which conveniently overlooks the lives of those who lived in pre industrial societies which were nasty, brutal and short. Indeed the earth can only support the population it now has because of industrial and post industrial technology. This Malthus was dimly aware of when he predicted doom without knowing what industry and science could do. Agrarians must necessarily want to reduce the population by 90 percent, back to a level that is "sustainable" in agrarian terms.

So, as one critic said, they are melons: green on the outside red on the inside, or they are green as they are too yellow to call themselves red. Naturally I deplore any political party, in my country the the NZ Labour party, wanting to get into bed with such dangerous dreamers just as I deplore the self righteousness of the Green saying that those who care for the environment must therefore green.

Why do I take them to be genocidal as well as fantasists? The technologies touted by them are inefficient. They deplore fracking and despise nuclear technology, which is , like it or not the only way to produce cheap energy in abundance. And note: the increase in lifespan cm can be directly linked to the increase in energy production. So they must therefore want to reduce he population by a great amount. Think about it. Do you want to return to the medieval period. a peasant in a mud hut dead before the age of 40?

I find it very revealing that the founder of Greenpeaces, one of the few Patrick Moore's to achieve prominence - and not to be confiused with the astronomer, left the  movement in disgust  as it had become anti human, regarding man as a plague on the earth.

As to why I hold that Global Warming is not man made and has in fact stopped there is a host of evidence out there on the net for any who cares to google the subject .

I have come to the conclusion that any movement which has become mainstream enough to be noticed by politicians and religious people is already debased. I have sympathy with those who fear pollution. But carbon dioxide is plant food, not a pollutant. And Global Warming is a separate issue fmro pollution. Thus the conservationist message has become mainstream and given its full embrace of the absurdity which is catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, it is debased.

Do you want to be taxed into the stone age, to dutifully cut carbon dioxide emissions in the devout superstition that it is a poillutant, only to have a volcanic eruption spew forth more CO2 than man has ever produced in his entire history?

By all means tackle environmental issues, but let us not be sidetracked by pseudoscience and what amounts to bad faith religion which  relies on fallacuious appeals to authority and seeks to defy science itself by silencing dissent rather than rationally refuting it and subjecting itself to skeptical scrutiny.

Those who hold that globsal warming continues and was man made show all the hallmarks of bad faith