Friday, 25 September 2015

The Time of Day

I now realize, now that indeed nothing has happened as I expected would be the case as regarding September 23, that I have been far too generous in giving even the time of day to  those fanatics for whom Acts 1:6-8 is simply not good enough.

I listened to them, carefully weighed what they had to say against scripture and of course concluded that they simply did not know what they were talking about.

But I still insisted on examining their ideas.

Some ignored verses like Acts 1:6-8, or insisted that they were not meant for the Church, or that they were only meant for the disciples at the time, or even twisted the Greek to justify this.

They are all contemptible. Even if we set aside for a moment the fact that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, they did not even have scholarly regard for a text which spoke plainly and simply.

They jumped on a bandwagon  for they were so desperate to have the world end when they determined it should, and in my opinion were likely so consumed with hate for the world that they wanted to see it burn, that their burning lust overcame their sense and even their ability to read.

This is not simply a matter of sincere error.

To make predictions where the scripture forbids specific date setting is open defiance of scripture. To insist on doing so is to be deeply backslidden, powerfully estranged from the Holy Spirit who would have spoken to these persons if they were amenable to hearing His still and small voice. But they were not amenable.

They may not be lost because of getting wrong some issue of eschatology but they are in deep danger of loss if they are so estranged from the Spirit as  to be backslidden -  and this separate and distinct from any amount of religious activity they may engage in.

Once Saved Always Saved is a deadly heresy for it does not trust in the Love of Christ, it presumes upon it.  And the difference here is crucial. Thus backsliding is  real danger and those who rashly predicted, and in the name of the Lord Himself to boot, what did not occur, have themselves backslidden, for all their religious zeal.

One cannot be close to the Lord the Spirit and falsely predict  anything. To be estranged from the Holy Spirit is the danger; and all who predicted what did not happen are estranged from Him
Then of course there is the reputation of the gospel among unbelievers. If one person rejects the gospel because of a failed prediction which had no shred of biblical warrant, then though the person who did this is accountable for his own disinclination to distinguish true from false prediction, yet nevertheless those who gave such the temptation to do so, namely end time fanatics with their obstinate penchant for date setting, will also be judged with ferocity. For it is written "It is inevitable that temptations come, but woe to him through whom they come."  There is nothing in this passage nor the rest of scripture indicating  that we the Church are exempt from this dire warning.

What hellfire preachers love to say to an unbelieving world, usually in hatred, cruelty and arrogance, must be said to the church that gave credence to the folly of Set 23 2015, May 21 2011, 2007, Y2K, 1988 and so on back over, I regret to say, centuries.

What must be said, and God discern my motive for saying it?


As for the title of this piece and my opening paragraph: I have been far too generous in giving the time of day to people who have so little regard for scripture as to use it as a cherry picking resource for their own fantasies, to the detriment of the faith of their weaker brethren and the reputation of the gospel itself

If I have any sense I will cease to give even this aforementioned time of day to any of them.

Their arguments are all the same, cherry picking, word twisting; and this when they know how to present a purportedly rational argument. Some were incapable of even this bare minimum and just bombarded the you tube watcher,  where I found the bulk of this nonsense, with a set of images that proved nothing.

And as always we wonder why the Name of God is so hated these days, and as always we deny that our unbelief, hypocrisy and sheer  dishonest scholarship have anything to do with it.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

the 23rd of September 2015

Today is the 23rd of September. In itself this is of no significance. I know this. But various religious extremists have predicted any number of events for this day, in open and arrogant defiance of the Bible which clearly says we are not to set dates.

Some claim that the Antichrist will be revealed for who he is, after having shown their racism and ignorance by insisting it is Obama.

Others say that an asteroid will hit the earth, others that the Rapture will happen whereby they gloatingly say they will be teleported off the earth before 7 years of hell will be unleashed on the rest.

Even others say, and this is true insanity, that a counterfeit alien invasion will happen, and this to force the New World Order

NOTHING WILL happen. None of the arguments they advance as to why this day are valid. So I am going on public record to say so.

But I am also going public to say that as the Bible set no such dates

Therefore to reject Christ because of this failed prediction is itself irrational and even dishonest.
They who defy the Word of God to make unwarranted predictions will damage the reputation of the gospel by their rantings but they are so infatuated by their scheme that they do not care to face the plain fact that the Bible forbids setting dates.

Upon their own heads be it

I will not be fazed by the passing of a non event. I was not bothered when Harold Camping's prediction of May 2011 failed, for I knew before hand that it would.

But my prayer is that some would not have their faith destroyed by trusting these irrational, schadenfreude riddled and heretical predictions wheen thy do not come to pass; and also that others will not think that these failures reflect on a Bible which clearly said no dates were to be set.

However as men are prejudiced against God  and are looking for excuses to both set predictions without warrant and, from other quarters to reject Him when they fail, I am not hopeful that anything other than blasphemy and apostasy will result from this latest round of futility

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Subverted Scriptures 2

"The wages of God are eternal life but the free gift of sin is death"

Of course you know this is not what Romans 6:23 actually says, but I have seen it subverted this way many times.

One local street preacher used to appear in our inner city public speaking forum with a booklet. "What do you have to do to be saved?" he asked.

He opened the booklet and it had blank pages.

To be damned you need do nothing.

To those who suggest this is a straw man, well this preacher was a legalist. He was serious about his religion and was a bully who regularly insulted his hearers ("I am here to speak to morons," he used to say). To be so loveless and serious about religion is the very essence of legalism, and the upshot of this is that what came out of such preaching  to be saved one must keep all the commandments of God.

And I certainly believed this. And time and time again I have seen Christians imposing the Law on people, including other Christians, showing they do not believe in the free gift of God.

They call this obedience to Christ yet, as no one keeps the Law and as our efforts therefore do not constitute obedience of the Law it is no such thing. Indeed the letter to the Galatians spells out what error this is

But believing this, as so many of us actually do in our heart of hearts, for all our fervent declarations of faith based righteousness, we hold that the wages of God are eternal life.

Thus the scripture is subverted.

There is a second subversion here.

"The wages of sin are death."


I did this. I never ended the sentence, forgetting that the free gift of God is eternal life and that this eternal  life is not just conversion, but the whole thing,   including discipleship, as much a gift of grace as anything else lest we fall away into the Law trying to pay for it. This gift, the whole of eternal life is delivered in personal relationship with the Hoy Spirit, without Whom there is only impossible law and despair to any sensitive (so many are not) to this. But instead I thought, emotionally, of course  that as the wages of sin were death and with no free gift as in sight, I had to stop sinning. And as Romans 8 says, this is outright impossible

Oh, I could quote the entire passage, but what I focused on was not a matter of my forced determination, and being carnal minded I missed the second part of this dictum and it took the Spirit Himself to show this to me just recently

As with just about everything what we truly believed is shown by our spontaneous living, our careless words, by our lives.

If we are carnal of fruit we are carnal of mind and all of us subvert the scriptures time and time again.

It will take gracious conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit to reveal to u what our deceitful hearts have wrought, as it will take his persuasion, as loving Counsellor, to lead us to repent of it

The relationship is the thing.
