This may become a series.
Many scriptures are subverted. Twisted. And gross heresy results
"Work out your salvation in fear and trembling" it says in Philippians 2:12.
If this verse is misunderstood even only slightly it becomes subverted, turning into "live a life of painful struggle beset with constant terror, devoid of rest, a vale of tears."
This I did and this I have seen done and preached, as for example by my original pastor who preached that the Christian life was "blood sweat and tears."
So it was blood sweat and tears for the Hebrew slaves in Egypt
But it is still the case that His joke is easy, His burden is light. And peace, not the fear and trembling commonly understood to be invoked here, is the proper Godly response, along with the joy which is our strength
Biblical logic demands that this opening passage be interpreted in a way other than the plainly intuitive.
I will reword the passage to make an exegetical point
"Let God's saving activity in your life be made manifest (work out) in reverential awe of the gravity of sin and the seriousness of the situation and of your own infirmity (in fear and trembling)
"for", and I add the context, verse 13 "it is God who is at work in you to will and do His good pleasure"
The issue is personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Without this is either easy believism, which does not live under grace, merely falsely invokes it , thus still denies it; or legalism, a complete forsaking of Him for the Law, as Paul in Galatians rebuked.
We are striving by force of sweated will? Then we have forsaken him for Law. We are afraid, and indeed will be if we have any sensitivity of conscience? (I was utterly terrified). Then we do not trust Him and do not rest in Him.
I certainly have done this latter, for my besetting sin is legalism.
But His mercy in One on one conversation continues
Many scriptures are subverted. Twisted. And gross heresy results
"Work out your salvation in fear and trembling" it says in Philippians 2:12.
If this verse is misunderstood even only slightly it becomes subverted, turning into "live a life of painful struggle beset with constant terror, devoid of rest, a vale of tears."
This I did and this I have seen done and preached, as for example by my original pastor who preached that the Christian life was "blood sweat and tears."
So it was blood sweat and tears for the Hebrew slaves in Egypt
But it is still the case that His joke is easy, His burden is light. And peace, not the fear and trembling commonly understood to be invoked here, is the proper Godly response, along with the joy which is our strength
Biblical logic demands that this opening passage be interpreted in a way other than the plainly intuitive.
I will reword the passage to make an exegetical point
"Let God's saving activity in your life be made manifest (work out) in reverential awe of the gravity of sin and the seriousness of the situation and of your own infirmity (in fear and trembling)
"for", and I add the context, verse 13 "it is God who is at work in you to will and do His good pleasure"
The issue is personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Without this is either easy believism, which does not live under grace, merely falsely invokes it , thus still denies it; or legalism, a complete forsaking of Him for the Law, as Paul in Galatians rebuked.
We are striving by force of sweated will? Then we have forsaken him for Law. We are afraid, and indeed will be if we have any sensitivity of conscience? (I was utterly terrified). Then we do not trust Him and do not rest in Him.
I certainly have done this latter, for my besetting sin is legalism.
But His mercy in One on one conversation continues